Worldbuilder's Toolkit
Seventh Sanctum

Seventh Sanctum is a site that provides random generators to inspire people, help them name characters, design settings, etc. It comes from Steve Savage's continuing obsession of decades - how randomization produces creativity.

This site provides tons of random generators, mainly descriptions and names. Such as:

"This lady reminds you of a lone wolf. She has deep-set black eyes that are like two windows on the midnight sky. Her fine, curly, soot-black hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a flowing cape. She has an athletic build. Her skin is tanned. She has a crooked nose. Her wardrobe is businesslike and classy, with a lot of blue and yellow."


"The tiny race that resembles the vampires of earth mythology. They can consume almost anything material. The most revered members of their society are archaeologists. Their major advancements are in nanotechnology. They are meticulous record-keepers. Their government is a plutocracy. They come from a different level of reality."


Donjon is another site with loads of different generators, but unlike Seventh Sanctum, this site has a lot of map generators, one of which, the "Fractal World Generator" is almost at the same level as the amazing Planet Generator, but with fewer options to tinker with.

It also features a very neat star system generator, wich would've saved me a lot of time if I knew about it...

Fantasy name generator

Fantasy name generator is a website with an insane amount of name generators (as the name might suggest). You can not only find fantasy names, but real names, sci-fi names, names spesiffic to different games, book series and tv-series. There also is an assortment of other fun generators, my favorite of which being the riddle generator , that outputs riddles like:

What has neither flesh, bone nor nail yet has 4 fingers and a thumb?

The answer is: A glove.