Worldbuilder's Toolkit
My Instagram:

My name is Lord Plum, I live in the Netherlands, I like to play video-games, to draw, and to worldbuild. Recently I've gotten into HTML/CSS/javascript, and this is my first proper project.

I made an earlier version of this site, wich got taken down, because the service that I uploaded it to seems to have dissapeared. I do still have the files, but it the site honestly suck, wich is why I'm making this new, better version.

[UPDATE: 23-1-2017] I've added a "Site"-tab, where I'll be putting sites with generators, tools and all that jazz. I've changed the "Tools and sources"-tab to the "Map-making tools"-tab

I've also gotten myself a little counter at the bottom of the page that tells me how many unique visitors I've had. 8 so far! and that in about half an hour! (you could say I'm bamboozeled!). On a more serious note; I've added an icon to the site.

[UPDATE: 24-1-2017] I've changed the tabs around again, but I believe this is the final form. I've added a few resources, nothing special. Also, the site almost has had 90 unique vistiors, and that in one day!